Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 weeks on 12.12.12!

How far along?  12 weeks!
How big is baby? Just over 2 inches, about 1/2 ounce. About the size of a lime...pretty amazing since 3 weeks ago it was the size of a kidney bean!!

Total weight gain/loss? Not sure, my scale isn't working right now. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I don't feel like I've gained much, though. Will find out Monday.
Maternity clothes?  Still prefer stretchy pants but can wear regular shirts, although I have bought a couple maternity shirts that are still a little big.
Stretch marks? Still none (unless you count the ones I still have from Logan)
Sleep? All the time. Like, it's ridiculous. I am hoping that starts to go away once I hit the 2nd trimester.
Best moment last week? Seeing a slight bump
Movement? Not yet.
Food cravings?  Burritos, clementines, malt-o-meal, cereal, water with lemon, coke
Food Aversions? Varies day to day. Lots of food just doesn't sound good depending on the day. 
Gender? No clue yet. :( Impatiently waiting!
Labor signs? None
Pregnancy symptoms? Nauseous off and on, tired, lots of burping, irritable, emotional
Belly button in/out? In 
What I miss: Having at least a little energy. And food tasting good.
What I am looking forward to: My ultrasound on Monday for the NT scan (to check for chromosomal abnormalities)
Milestones: Hitting 12 weeks I guess.
Bump picture: Slight bump...depending on the day it is bigger or smaller. We took this pic last Sunday, it will have to do. And excuse the ghetto chalkboard writing...we were in a rush and it was still wet from being wiped off.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

8 Weeks 5 days!

I am so excited I finally get to do one of these weekly/monthly questionnaires! It is a great way to keep track of everything going on with the pregnancy and I didn't do anything like this with Logan.

How far along?  8 weeks, 6 days (according to yesterday's doctor appointment)
How big is baby? 2.09 cm or 3/4 of an inch (about the size of a kidney bean)

Total weight gain/loss? So far, none (which completely surprises me. I feel like I do nothing but eat)
Maternity clothes?  No, although I do prefer stretchy pants of any kind. I DID wear maternity jeans yesterday just for comfort but they were still a bit big.
Stretch marks? None yet (unless you count the ones I still have from Logan)
Sleep? All the time.
Best moment last week? Finally telling all of our family and friends
Movement? Not yet.
Food cravings?  Ramen Noodle Soup, Chocolate Pie, potato salad, baked potatoes, Sweettarts, apples
Food Aversions? Meat, casseroles of any kind
Gender? No clue yet. :( Impatiently waiting!
Labor signs? None
Pregnancy symptoms? Nauseous off and on, tired, lots of burping, irritable, emotional
Belly button in/out? In
What I miss: Having at least a little energy. And food tasting good.
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving with family on Thursday
Milestones: 2nd ultrasound yesterday--we were able to confirm dates/due dates, etc. Even saw a little movement from the baby and the heartbeat was strong--176 bpm
Bump picture: no bump yet...just enough bloating to make my pants uncomfortable

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bloodwork and 1st Sonogram!

I got my blood results back the following Monday (Oct. 29). The nurse said the numbers were great and consistent with early pregnancy. 

HCG-- 2300+ (don't remember the exact number)

She scheduled me for my first sonogram on Nov. 5th. A whole week away. It seemed like an eternity, but when I found out I was pregnant with Logan I didn't have bloodwork done or a sonogram until over a month later, so a week wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. Just seemed like it at the time.

So that week my extreme fatigue and hunger continued but so did the worrying. My boobs stopped hurting and I wasn't feeling nauseous, so of course I worried something was wrong. 

That weekend some girlfriends and I went to my aunt's house for a Pinterest party and I couldn't wait to break the news to her and a few of the other girls that didn't know yet. My friend, Brittaney, made a cake with a blue layer and pink layer for us to eat for dessert, hoping my aunt would get the hint and realize what it meant...well, she eventually got the hint, but she just thought the cake was "so pretty." 

Of course, she was SO excited when she realized and I was so relieved to not be holding onto the secret any longer.

Well, even though we were super busy crafting that weekend, my anxieties still got the best of me Friday night. I think I was overly tired from a full day shopping in Canton and I had a meltdown about being scared to lose the baby. It is a very real fear, but I have not had previous losses, so it isn't like I had experienced it before. I calmed down eventually and slept like a baby that night but the next day a couple of the girls were going into town so I asked them to grab me a pregnancy test. Just to make myself feel better.

Thank heavens it was still positive. It would have ruined everyone's weekend if it hadn't been.

I was more ready than ever for the sonogram Monday morning. Hopefully that would ease my fears.

My appointment was at 10:30. Logan was at school and Chris met me there. I was an anxious mess. I already get anxious at the doctor but this was even worse. Of course, my blood pressure was sky high but I knew it was because of the excitement/anxiety.

The sonogram went well. We saw the baby and heard the heartbeat (126 bpm) but it was still very early. And there were 2 sacs. Yes, 2. The doctor didn't act like it was anything to get excited about. It would probably vanish/dissolve. He didn't even look at that sac for measurements but it still kind of freaks me out. We did more bloodwork and scheduled another sonogram for Nov. 19 so he could see the baby a little bit bigger. 

Bloodwork came back at over 26,000 for the HCG this time so it was doubling appropriately.

We told Logan after the sonogram that there was going to be another baby. He was excited but also worried that I would die. His exact words: "I think they are going to cut your belly open and pull it back and get the baby out and you will die." Then he got sad and hid under a pillow until Chris and I reassured him that it would all be okay. My sweet boy.

We got him a Big Brother shirt and told Chris' family at their Thanksgiving lunch and then announced it on Facebook shortly thereafter.

I know it is still early and things could still go wrong, but I have always thought that if something did happen I would rather have people to lean on/hug/cry with than keep it all to myself.    

Now I am anxiously awaiting the 19th so I can see if there are 1 or 2 babies! That would be crazy! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

For the past couple of weeks I have been tired and hungrier than normal. I kept telling myself that it was just because we were in the thick of school/preschool/fall activities. I hardly ever eat breakfast, but was eating breakfast every morning, either cereal (frosted shredded mini wheats) or a Breakfast Jack. And my boobs had been sore. I was convinced my hormones were just working and this was normal PMS (which I don't typically have, due to my strange body). So much so that when I went for my annual (Oct. 15) at my OB/GYN, I asked him to check my progesterone level to see if it indicated ovulation because I wanted to see if I was right about my hormones actually working properly.

A week and a half went by and I still hadn't heard back from the doctor with my results. I called the nurse and she called me back later that day. She said my progesterone level was 19, which definitely indicated ovulation. Anything over 5 or 6 indicates ovulation, so she said that was a great number. She also told me to take a pregnancy test within a couple of days if I hadn't started yet. I kind of blew her off because so many months I would test and it would come back negative because my cycles are just so wacky. But this time I really did need to test. I was scheduled for a mammogram the following Friday and needed to know for sure before going in for the appointment. I dreaded taking the test. I didn't want to see the negative. I considered just canceling the appointment altogether and just waiting for my period to start so I wouldn't have to be disappointed that morning.

When I did decide to take the test Friday morning (Oct. 26--after dropping Logan off at school), I left it on the bathroom counter for probably an hour. I went back to the couch to take a nap. My sister and husband both called, wondering if I had tested yet. I told them both no, not wanting the pressure. I decided to move my nap to the bedroom and just figured I would check the test before laying back down.

I glanced at the test stick and immediately lost my breath. PREGNANT. In actual words--this was a fancy digital test. 

I was so used to seeing NOT PREGNANT, that I kept double checking. I immediately called my husband and I don't think I could speak. But he knew. I was beside myself, crying, screaming, smiling, laughing. I don't know that we even had a conversation. I don't even remember hanging up with him. I tried to call my sister but she didn't answer her phone. Seriously. So I called my best friend, Lindsey, knowing she was at work but hoping she would have her phone with her. Nope. So I texted her to call me ASAP. I called my sister again and this time she answered (after 4 rings!). I still couldn't talk, other than "" but she caught on. "Is it positive?! Are you?!" She was with 2 of her (our) friends at IKEA so they were all squealing in the background. Again, I couldn't really speak. Not sure of what we even said but I was shaking in disbelief. We eventually hung up and I tried to catch my breath again.

I called to cancel my mammogram appointment and then called my OB/GYN to see if I could come in for bloodwork to verify. I just wanted to make sure it was accurate due to my body's strange ways. They could get me in within a couple hours. I attempted to rest a bit more (yeah, right) and then hopped in the shower and went to the doctor. The blood draw took no time at all and I saw the doctor in the hallway on my way to check out. We talked about my meds and my sonogram appointment (Nov. 5). Then he said "Well, we don't know anything until we hear the heartbeat." Womp, womp. Wow. Way to bring me down. From then on, I was worried about not maintaining the pregnancy. Not that I have had that problem before, but it is still a very real concern.

I met my sister and her friends for lunch at Cheesecake Factory, where we ate and talked and laughed and planned. I think I was in shock for several days after that and it still doesn't feel completely real to me. 

Stay tuned for more exciting news! I plan on using this blog as my journal for this pregnancy--I didn't have this when I was pregnant with Logan so I want to remember everything this time!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Kindergarten Favorites

I did it again! And got a little better, if I do say so myself. Last year, I made this, inspired from Pinterest. This year, with Logan going into Kindergarten, I did it again. But this time I used PicMonkey, which was way easier than Fotoflexer (that I used last year). 

I can't believe he has gotten so big, but I know I am going to love looking back at these someday.

I also made a chalkboard sign (out of canvas I already had) to use every year (wish I had it last year). The shiny parts are silhouette letters mod-podged on and the other parts are chalkboard that I can erase and change the grade and career every year.

This year (or this day, more realistically), he wanted to be "Daddy's baseball helper," which was new to me since all he has been talking about lately was being an astronaut. Whatever, kid.

He had a great first day, loved his teacher, LOVED centers, and stayed on green all day. I can't believe he is actually IN kindergarten but I can't wait to see what all he learns this year.

At the age of 5 you:

  • are working on counting to 100 (you just have trouble with going from 29-30, 39-40, etc.)
  • know all of your letters and sounds
  • still love Scooby Doo and Magic School Bus, but now have added Super Hero Squad and Phineas & Ferb to the mix
  • still love your Leapster Explorer but love playing Wii as well (and are very good at both)
  • are best friends with Reagan
  • are in the same class as your friend, Noah
  • have Mrs. Knotts as your kindergarten teacher at Shady Grove Elementary
  • love going to Target to look at the toys
  • want to go to Disneyworld REALLY bad
  • love drawing rollercoasters
  • love playing dinosaurs and know a lot of their names
  • seem to love anything scientific
  • loved going to the USS Lexington ("the museum boat") this summer
  • loved going to NRH2O this summer (almost every week)
  • are on the Red Hots soccer team with Noah
  • weigh 41 lbs and are 44 inches tall
  • size 13 shoe
  • size 5/6 tops and 6 Slim pants (big, but need the length)
I hope you have a wonderful year in Kindergarten! I hope you still give me lots of hugs and kisses and never stop being my little boy. We love you more than you will ever know.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Final Week

I absolutely CANNOT believe that Logan is going to Kindergarten in just a few days. I have been trying to make the most of this last week with him, but allergies have gotten a hold of me, which drains me of all my energy. I am doing my best to power through it, though. My last week with him had to be special, which means I have to document it, of course.

Monday, we went up to the church and worked. Well, I worked and he played with his friends and even got a little Spanish lesson from Ms. Monika. Love her. I am going to miss him going up there with me on Mondays. We didn't do much else that day because I was starting to feel under the weather. I did put him to bed early to get him ready for the early mornings that would be in his near future (and mine...ugh).

Tuesday we had plans to go to NRH2O with friends but it was raining. And a little chilly (for August anyway). But my friends had sitters lined up for their babies (so they could do more with their big kids who are also going into Kindergarten), so we had to take the opportunity to go. Needless to say, it wasn't crowded. The kids really didn't seem to mind it, but Logan was over it after a couple of hours. He was ready to go, and it was probably time as his lips were starting to turn a little blue. Our friends ended up staying another couple hours (somehow. I would have died). When we left, I took Logan to the library (for the last time this summer) and he picked new books and movies and played with the soft blocks. He was enjoying making "brain machines" and "goose machines" and then another little boy joined him and they built towers and jumped off onto all the blocks. He had a blast and it was so fun to watch.

"The Goose Machine"~"you go under and then lay on top and it turns you into a goose."~Logan, age 5

After the library, we came home and watched his library movies and relaxed. He took a little 30 minute nap while I showered. Daddy came home and didn't have to leave again because his games were rained out so we were able to eat dinner together and play a little.

Wednesday I had big plans to ride the train to the Dallas Zoo with some friends but both me and the other mom were sick, so we had a lazy day at home. We watched movies, ate corn dogs, played Wii Mario Kart (I beat him) and Wii Bowling (he beat me), and he attempted to get me to understand Mario Galaxy (not a clue). Although I still didn't have much energy, I really did try to "play" with him as much as I could.

Then he had his 1st soccer practice with his new team, the Red Hots. His friend Noah is on the team, so they were super excited to see each other there. He did great (well, as great as he can...he is not the most athletic/competitive/aggressive child) and worked hard. Then he spent some time at the park afterward until I called it quits due to the excessive mosquito bites I was getting.  Home, shower, grilled cheese & peaches, brush/floss, 1 story, songs, then bed by 8:30.

The next morning I felt better and actually pulled the trigger and rode the train to the zoo. I am so glad we went. My brother came with me and he and Logan are basically one in the same, so they have a ball together. Logan had never been to the Dallas Zoo and I hadn't been in a really, really long time (can't even remember when it was, but it was long ago). It was a nice change of pace from the Fort Worth Zoo. Not nearly as crowded, lots of great exhibits for kids Logan's age, a lot of interactive opportunities (feed the giraffes, ride a camel/pony), monorail, and a children's zoo with a stream for kids to play in. We were there about 3 hours and probably could've stayed a little longer (Logan's attention span is not great) but had to catch the train back to pick my dad up from the airport. Here are some pics from the trip:

Riding the train to the zoo

Dramatic boys

Ryan's photo shoot while Logan analyzes the map

My boy loves maps

Feeding the giraffes

Ryan's favorite part of the zoo

Logan loves the herpetarium and searching for the animals in all the cages

Playing in the stream

Sleepy on the train ride back

After the zoo we had to hustle to the airport to pick up my dad, then went up to Logan's new school to see who his kindergarten teacher was going to be, ended up going to a friend's house for a few minutes, and then had to hurry home and take a bath/shower and get ready for Meet the Teacher that night. I was a nervous/sad wreck. Logan was pumped.

Outside Mrs. Knotts' classroom

Logan and his kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Knotts

The newest Shady Grove Star!
After Meet the Teacher, we went to dinner and then did some school shopping and found his first day of school outfit (and a few more) at Crazy 8 and finally found a book I had been looking for at Target. It was a long, but great day.

Friday we got to sleep in for the last time (8:30) and then hit the ground running. We met some friends at a local pizza place and the lady there takes the kids back in the kitchen and teaches them about making pizza, food safety, and taking orders. The kids got to each make their own personal sized pizza and watch it cook in the oven. Then they got to ring each other up. It was a great trip!

Landyn, Madeline, Lindsey, Braden, & Logan

It was a fun and exhausting week, but one that hopefully won't be forgotten. I will miss our time together, even though he drives me crazy sometimes (ok, a lot of the time). But I know he is ready for Kindergarten and will do great with Mrs. Knotts and love school. I just need him to stay little for a little while longer and never stop giving me all his random, out-of-the-blue hugs and kisses.

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Year In Pictures~Logan 2011

Yeah, so I am a little bit late on this. I know it's mid-2012 and all, but I just remembered how much I like seeing how much Logan changes every month (see 2010 here). It's harder to notice in person now that he is bigger, but when I look at pictures, the changes are amazing.

January 2011 (FW Science Museum)

February 2011 (the big snowstorm of Feb 2011)

March 2011 (on the boat at Aunt Toni's)

April 2011 (Easter at Aunt Toni's house)

May 2011 (after Sprout's Spring Program)

June 2011 (last day of the Lugnuts blast ball season)

July 2011 (Paradise Pond)

August 2011 (doing some watercolor painting)

September 2011 (first day at Southlake Christian Preschool)

October 2011 (in his homemade Angry Bird Bomb costume)

November 2011 (Logan and his friend, Sydney, after their last soccer game)

December 2011 (Christmas Day)