Monday, March 9, 2009

Countdown to Wednesday...

So, supposedly we are set to close Wednesday afternoon...we'll see if that comes to fruition. In the meantime, time is standing still (or so it seems). So what do I do the kill the time? Shop, of course. But I have found some killer deals! We just went and picked up this table that I bought yesterday. It was damaged so it was marked 75% off! It's on the underside of the table that no one looks at and Chris can fix it where you probably couldn't tell anyway. I love deals like that. I also bought Logan's big boy bedding. It was on sale at Target and exactly what I wanted so I couldn't resist. He won't use it for a while seeing as we don't have a twin bed for him yet (other than his crib--which he is still perfectly content in) but I knew if I didn't get it now they wouldn't have it when I was ready for it. I also bought a new shower curtain for the guest bathroom (on clearance) and some new makeup at Clinique (so I could get their free gift, of course).

There are still a ton of items I want/need for the new house:
  • new chairs for the new dining room table
  • round table and chairs for breakfast nook **need
  • rug for dining room and playroom **need the rug for playroom
  • new coffee table and end tables
  • new bedside tables
  • new dishes
  • new appliances
  • new towels/bathrugs
  • patio set (we have a nice-sized covered patio now)
Now, I only need the table and chairs for the breakfast nook. The one we have now won't fit. All the other stuff is just stuff that I really want b/c it's a new house and I want to change the style up a bit. I am over the rustic stuff that I had. Craigslist is going to get a ton of listings from us once we move and get everything out of storage. Then I can use that money to buy all new stuff, right? :)

On another note, the font on this blog keeps changing...can anyone help me figure out how to make it the same every time? And make it cuter? I am talking to you, Tarah...Heather's is pretty cute and she alluded to the fact that you helped her. Correct me if I am wrong.

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